We woke up this Sunday morning to find that Wellington decided to carry through with the weekend trend of "rain." So we decided to pop in one of the two Meryl movies we brought with us to New Zealand...
Julie & Julia. Now, we quote this movie
a lot. One in particular stood out for us today, though: "yogurt for dinner."
This happens after Julie Powell gets into an argument with her husband and - brace yourselves - loses the will to continue cooking her way through Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking. If you haven't seen the movie, don't worry, that wasn't a spoiler. It's just one of the many moments of the "Amy Adams part" of the movie that you will come to love/hate.
When Emily and I are discussing what to have for dinner or what to buy at the grocery store for upcoming meals and find ourselves in a sort of culinary mind fart, we resort to: "yogurt for dinner." During our early days in Wellington (because, well, we're old townies now) we decided that we would definitely actually have yogurt for dinner someday and whaddya know today was the day.
We had a yogurt parfait. Which is essentially yogurt + granola. Now, it would have been great to have some of Mom's homemade yogurt (side note: after eating homemade yogurt ["curds"] in India for lunch everyday, I got a craving for my mom's version of it when I got home but I forgot to ask if we could make some... mental note to remind self for when I get home in July), but we did have some homemade granola! Emily worked her magic in the kitchen (but seriously, my sister is a really good
cuisinier and I would be having yogurt for dinner every night without her) and made some homemade granola! I would ask her what is in the recipe but she is intensely concentrated on a game of solitaire right now and I dare not distract her.
Speaking of dinners, on Thursday night we had sushi. Em picked up some salmon rolls and crab rolls from a place not too far from here.
Friday morning, I woke up and my lips were SO dry. I spent the day drinking lots of water.
Saturday morning, I woke up and around my lips were SO, SO dry and my face had a bit of a rash.
Sunday morning, I woke up and my lips were better but my eye had swollen about 25% of the way closed.
We can only think of one thing that may have caused this outbreak of [what we think are] hives: the crab meat in the sushi. I can no longer put a cocky "N/A" through the "Allergies?" section on medical forms anymore. I am allergic to crab meat. True, it doesn't make me die or anything but it makes me feel like Joan Rivers after a fresh dozen injections of botox. And if it was just something random, I still don't think I will be eating crab meat just in case because when I don't feel normal I turn into a big baby. Like in that genius NyQuil commercial... "Pam... Pam... can you call my mom?"
Anyway, hopefully my face simmers down to normal for what looks like is going to be a rainy, wet week. I will stay dry, insha'Allah (as my boss from last summer would say).