Friday, 14 June 2013


In both elementary and secondary school, my peers and I were always encouraged to discover what type of “learner” each of us was. In grade ten, I remember having to do a "true colours" quiz to define exactly what we were. We were either gold, blue, orange, or green.

Anyway, as we finished our quizzes we had to go to each of the four corners of the room, each for a different colour. I saw the orange corner piling up with people... people who did a lot of sports (not that I didn’t “do” a lot of sports, meaning that I liked to run in soccer but was hopeless with the ball), people who were generally in tech courses, and the kids who couldn’t stay focused on anything. I found the quiz online and charts explaining "how we see ourselves" and "how others see us." I've put them below and highlighted the qualities that apply to me.

Gold Personality:

Things that frustrate golds:
Things golds do to frustrate others:
·        Irresponsibility
·        Control freak
·        Lack of planning
·        Being bossy and controlling
·        Lack of discipline
·        Working long hours
·        Laziness
·        Being obsessive
·        High risk taking
·        Being judgmental
·        Illegal behavior
·        Planning for everything
Blue Personality:

Things that frustrate blues:
Things blues do to frustrate others:
·        Lying
·        Lack of planning
·        Violence
·        Being passive
·        Personal rejection
·        Avoiding conflict
·        Lack of communication
·        Suppressing problems
·        Lack of close friends
·        Being too generous
·        Sarcasm
·        Being overly sentimental
Orange Personality:

Things that frustrate oranges:
Things oranges do to frustrate others:
·        Rules and laws
·        Ignoring rules
·        Same routine
·        Being undisciplined
·        Deadlines
·        Lack of planning
·        Paperwork
·        Being quick-tempered
·        Lack of adventure
·        Thinking out loud
·        Too much structure
·        Impulse buying
Green Personality:

Things that frustrate greens:
Things greens do to frustrate others:
·        Routine
·        Not being sociable
·        Small-talk
·        Living in the future
·        Plagiarism
·        Being wordy
·        Illogical arguments
·        Blowing up when criticized
·        Social functions
·        Not going with the flow
·        Incompetence
·        Being too independent

Clearly I am not a "blue." But when I was doing this test, I distinctly remember emphasizing, in my mind, my gold and green qualities. I just know that I skewed my results so that I wasn't an orange. But, now that I am exactly halfway through my job, I realize that I am feeling more orange than I ever have before. I sincerely kick my grade ten self for excluding myself from the orange group when really, I'm as orange as I am gold as I am green.

Actually, I think it was stupid that we growing human beings had to assign ourselves to just one colour and one corner of the room when really we should have been embracing all of our colours... but perhaps the curriculum has changed since then. And I'm not saying that this colour test has defined who I am, but it kind of has. I've been thinking that I'm this gold, going through life in my merry gold way without really embracing my orangeness and greenness (and a little bit of blueness).

What am I even trying to say? Screw these personality tests? Maybe. I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that me in this present work environment has really made me realize my gold/green frustrations and has emphasized the opposite in my orange and that I need to stop ignoring my orange and instead embrace it... and for these last six weeks, find out how I can incorporate my orangeness into my everyday routine (which apparently is anti-orange anyway) because right now, I'm feeling a little blue (because blue is the opposite of orange in that it is complementary, right?).

I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone, let alone me. But I think I am having an allergic reaction to some sushi I ate so that might have something to do with it.

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